Poisson Geometry and Artin-Schelter Regular Algebras

Dates : 13 octobre 2024 » 18 octobre 2024

Lieu : Hangzhou

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Organisateur : Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (IASM)

Mathématiques et Statistiques;
Mots-clé:: Algebra, Geometry
Description :

This workshop will tackle some fundamental open questions about Artin-Schelter regular algebras, in particular, elliptic algebras, and their associated Poisson structures. In particular, it will focus on the correspondence between the representations of elliptic algebras and the symplectic leaves of their semi-classical limits, as well as on the relationship between the deformation theory of Artin-Schelter regular algebras and that of the derived category or the A-infinity-category of related projective schemes. This workshop brings together leading experts in algebra and geometry from around the world to identify and attack these outstanding problems and to collaborate for future breakthroughs.

Poisson Geometry and Artin-Schelter Regular Algebras se tiendra en Hangzhou, Chine entre le 13 octobre 2024 et 18 octobre 2024.L'événement est organisé par Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (IASM). Il couvre des domaines spécifiques de Mathématiques et Statistiques comme 0. Visitez le site web de la conférence pour des informations plus détaillées ou contactez l'organisateur pour des questions spécifiques.
Ajouter au calendrier 2024-10-13 2024-10-18 Europe/London Poisson Geometry and Artin-Schelter Regular Algebras https://www.sciencedz.net/fr/conference/104208-poisson-geometry-and-artin-schelter-regular-algebras Hangzhou - Chine Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (IASM)

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