ISPRS Technical Commission IV — Spatial Information to Empower the Metaverse

Dates : 22 octobre 2024 » 25 octobre 2024

Lieu : Fremantle, Perth

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Organisateur :

Mathématiques et Statistiques; Physique; Sciences de l'ingénieur; Informatique; Economie; Sciences sociales et humaines;
Mots-clé:: Analysis, Machine Learning, Complex Systems, Technology, Business, Information science
Description :

The world is changing, and digital reflections of the real world have become increasingly important for governments and business to understand and manage environmental and socio-economic issues, and to channel sustainable development and reduce emissions. The pressure placed on the use of working and living spaces further necessitates decisions that are based on based on more complex, multi-dimensional spatial data. Digital twins have developed as a critical technology that offers a platform for the testing and analyses of complex systems, which would be impossible to perform with traditional simulators and modular evaluations. However, the development of such technology faces many challenges including discovery, sharing, fusion, analysis and simulation of spatial information, data unavailability to train Machine Learning (models, management, and visualisation of big multidimensional data. The ISPRS Technical Commission IV 'Spatial Information Sciences' has the mission to advance spatial information science, enable spatial digital twins and empower their development to a metaverse.

Topics: multidimensional modelling • fusion of data • open data • data management of big data • spatial analysis and simulation • mixed reality • advanced interfaces.

ISPRS Technical Commission IV — Spatial Information to Empower the Metaverse se tiendra en Fremantle, Perth, Australie entre le 22 octobre 2024 et 25 octobre 2024.Il couvre des domaines spécifiques de Mathématiques et Statistiques comme 0. Visitez le site web de la conférence pour des informations plus détaillées ou contactez l'organisateur pour des questions spécifiques.
Ajouter au calendrier 2024-10-22 2024-10-25 Europe/London ISPRS Technical Commission IV — Spatial Information to Empower the Metaverse Fremantle, Perth - Australie

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