ISPRS Technical Commission III — Beyond the canopy : technologies and applications of remote sensing

Dates : 04 novembre 2024 » 08 novembre 2024

Lieu : Belem

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Organisateur :

Domaine : Physique; Metrology and Instrumentation
Physique; Biologie et sciences de la vie; Informatique;
Mots-clé:: Metrology and Instrumentation, Environment, Water, Sensors
Description :

ISPRS Technical Commission III is dedicated to the technologies and applications of remote sensing. It is jointly hosted by Brazil and France from 2022 to 2026 and its mid-term symposium will be held in Belém, Brazil, on 4-8 November 2024, together with the Latin-American remote sensing symposium SELPER and several tutorials and thematic workshops, including South America Water from Space IV and Geo-Information for Disaster Management (Gi4DM).

Topics: The symposium will cover a very wide range of topics related to remote sensing: from satellite image acquisition and processing techniques (space missions, sensors, algorithms, etc.), with sessions devoted to new missions (SWOT, Biomass etc.), to a wide variety of applications in Earth and planetary sciences, climate, environment, and society, with a particular focus on the Amazon and tropical environments.

ISPRS Technical Commission III — Beyond the canopy : technologies and applications of remote sensing se tiendra du 04 novembre 2024 au 08 novembre 2024 en Belem, Brésil. Il couvre divers domaines de Physique, y compris Metrology and Instrumentation. Pour plus d'informations, visitez le site web de la conférence ou contactez l'organisateur.
Ajouter au calendrier 2024-11-04 2024-11-08 Europe/London ISPRS Technical Commission III — Beyond the canopy : technologies and applications of remote sensing Belem - Brésil

Sections connexes :

Conférences et séminaires en Brésil
Conférences et séminaires en Brésildans 2024
Conférences et séminaires en Physique
Conférences et séminaires en Physiquedans 2024
Conférences et séminaires en Physiquedans Brésil
Conférences et séminaires en Physiquedans Brésildans 2024
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