Global Summit on Public Health

Dates : 25 septembre 2024 » 26 septembre 2024

Lieu : East Windsor CT

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Organisateur : Heighten Science Publications Inc.

Domaine : Santé et Médecine; Epidemiology & Public Health
Mathématiques et Statistiques; Sciences de l'ingénieur; Economie; Santé et Médecine;
Mots-clé:: Integration, Technology, Economics, Family Medicine, Health, Medicine, Nursing, Nutrition, Oncology, Public Health
Description :

Heighten Science Conference welcome you for Global Summit on Public Health (GSPH2024) scheduled to be held on September 25-26, 2024 under the theme "Exploring new frontiers in the multidisciplinary of health." Our premier event dedicated to the latest developments in the field of public health is set to bring together leading experts, researchers, and practitioners around the globe. The influential gathering will serve as a platform for sharing ground breaking research, discussion on innovative strategies, and addressing challenges in the realm of public health. By providing a dynamic space for professionals, researchers, and thought leaders to converge, our platform plays a pivotal role in shaping the future landscape of medicine, science, and technology. Our platform actively contributes to the dissemination of cutting-edge research, the integration of novel technologies, and the translation of scientific knowledge into real-world applications for the betterment of society.

Topics: Health & Wellness Practitioner Health Economics and Nutrition Environmental Healthcare Practitioner Geriatric Nursing Practitioner Gynecology and Ob Neonatal Healthcare Practitioner Surgical Nursing Practitioner Pain Management Practitioner Ophthalmic Nursing Practitioner Registered Nurse Practitioner Family Nurse Practitioner Emergency Medicine Traditional Medicine Health Science Women Health Biomedical and Health Informatics Telemedicine and e-Health Anesthesia Oncology Optogenetics Optometry Parasitology Pathology Pharmacogenomics Pharmacology Family medicine Mental Health Nutrition and Health Rehabilitation Therapy

Global Summit on Public Health se tiendra en East Windsor CT, États-Unis entre le 25 septembre 2024 et 26 septembre 2024.L'événement est organisé par Heighten Science Publications Inc.. Il couvre des domaines spécifiques de Santé et Médecine comme Epidemiology & Public Health. Visitez le site web de la conférence pour des informations plus détaillées ou contactez l'organisateur pour des questions spécifiques.
Ajouter au calendrier 2024-09-25 2024-09-26 Europe/London Global Summit on Public Health East Windsor CT - États-Unis Heighten Science Publications Inc.

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Conférences et séminaires en Santé et Médecinedans États-Unisdans 2024
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