Conférences et séminaires en Pologne 2024

Conférences et séminaires Pologne 2024 (Total 33, Page 2 / 2)

Lieux populaires dans ce pays : Będlewo 8 Warsaw 7 Kraków 3 Poznań 3 Cracow 3 Gdansk 2 Lublin 1 Kazimierz Dolny 1 Kielce 1 Bialystok 1

Trier par: Date du débutRécemment ajoutéPlus populaire

Gr&o2DM — 9th Graphene and other 2D materials (PL)

Poznań, Pologne
Chimie 0

Galactic and extragalactic X-ray transients, theory and observational perspectives

Warsaw, Pologne
Physique Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology

10th Polish Combinatorial Conference

Będlewo, Pologne
Mathématiques et Statistiques Graph Theory and Combinatorics

NPW — 30th Nuclear Physics Workshop

Kazimierz Dolny, Pologne
Physique Nuclear Physics

Social Security Systems in The Light of Demographic, Economic and Technological Challenges

Poznan, Greater Poland, Pologne
Economie Economics

CHEP 2024 — Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics

Cracow, Pologne
Physique Computational Physics and Numerical Simulation

31st International Conference on Systems Engineering

Warsaw, Pologne
Sciences de l'ingénieur Artificial Intelligence, Computing, Machine Learning, Data Science

ICSEng — 31st International Conference on Systems Engineering

Warsaw, Pologne
Informatique Multidisciplinary or General Events in Informatics

On the Trails of Mathematics: Cecylia Krieger-Dunaj and Her successors

Będlewo, Pologne
Education History and Philosophy of Science and Technology



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